Friday 2 August 2013

Healthy Reasons To Have More Sex

Sex Ville

While growing up, my mother used to tell me that an apple a day keeps the doctor away and made sure I took an apple a day! But when I became a man of the world, I came to realise that apple is not the only thing to keep the doctor away. Sex also has a long and extensive repertoire of health benefits also and can actually keep the doctor far from you. While I have nothing against apples, I know a lot of people who would prefer to get their health kick from some intimate time between the sheets, and boy, does this provide a health kick! Check out these seven health benefits of sex. And remember to thank me later!
1. Sex Eases Pain
You are all snugly and getting set to snag when you hear, “Not tonight darling; I’ve got a headache.” That old cliché is definitely a turn off and a common excuse no to have sex when people simply don’t want to be bothered but it is time to put this age-old excuse to bed once and for all. Have you ever noticed that if you’ve been feeling a few aches and pains before sex, they are usually non-existent afterward the show? This is down to the increased endorphins that soar through your body during sex. Indeed, as you approach and then achieve ‘the big O,’ oxytocin surges through your body and relieves pain. Clever Mother Nature, you will say!

2. Sex Burns Fat
Is sex good for burning that excess fat around your midriff? Definitely and quite perfect. While most physical activity helps you to shed the paunch, you may not be aware of exactly how much fat sex can burn. It has been expertly proven that vigorous sex burns approximately 150 calories every 30 minutes – that’s 300 calories for an hour-long session! The key word here though, ladies and gents, is “vigorous.” Lying on your back while your partner does all of the work is not going to burn fat, so make sure you’re giving it your all. If anyone can think of a better excuse to have sex, please let me know.
3. Sex Increases Lifespan
Yes, you heard me right! Several studies have suggested that getting down and dirty could extend our lifespan by a considerable amount – up to eight years! Again, it is a proven fact that people who have a regular sex life, live up to eight years longer than those who have little of it. The moral? Never give up on sex, no matter how old you are.
4. Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles
Guys, I know you are thinking, “Pelvic floor exercises are for women.” Hey, think again! While Kegel exercises are often recommended to women for their ability to treat incontinence and re-strengthen the muscles around that area after childbirth, they’re beneficial for both genders. Indeed, the benefits of Kegel exercises in men include helping with impotence and reducing the risk of prostate cancer. And how do you go about doing Kegel exercises if you’re a man? Sex is just one of the many ways – both men and women are performing Kegel exercises during sex, without even realizing it.
5. Sex Lowers Your Stress Levels
You work an 8-5 job; you must leave home to beat the heavy traffic; you get back home and there is no light: you are thinking of the accumulating bills, school fees, medical bills, water bills, crazy PHCN bills, house rent, etc. All these are enough to give a man high blood pressure and stress. But do not worry, you have a ready cure for the stress and it is sex. Yes, sex and you better believe me. A recent study has shown that with a healthy sex life, you can actually relieve yourself of stress and reduce the risk of hypertension or even lower your blood pressure.
6. Sex Strengthens The Immune System
This is one I know you never thought of. Keep the thanks for now… later please. Am just doing my job. It has, yet again, been proven, scientifically, that people who have sex about three to four times a week have higher levels of immunoglobulin than those who have sex less frequently. Immunoglobulin is an antibody that boosts your immune system and more of it is present during sexy time. More of the immunoglobulin hormone means less risk of developing colds or other infections.

7. Sex Helps You To Look Younger-
Let us get one things straight here: we are used to hearing that sex makes you feel younger but let me say that apart from making you feel younger, sex actually makes you look younger. When we reach orgasm, our bodies secrete DHEA, a clever little hormone. Indeed, the benefits of DHEA on our health are too many to list here, but in general, it boosts the immune system, improves cognitive function, improves cardiovascular health and keeps our skin looking fresh and young. The more often you have sex, the younger you’ll look. We’d much rather have sex than fork out lots of money on expensive anti-ageing creams, won’t we?
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and have more sex. But let it be with your significant half. Till we see again…Am Out.

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