Tuesday 15 July 2014

8 Biggest Mistakes People Make on Twitter

Image result for twitter logo
Twitter is a great micro-blogging website that does not just help in adding connections but also helps to gain knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, promote your business and support others. However, some get it all wrong. Listed here are some of the common and biggest mistakes people make on Twitter.

1. Adding too many connections

Twitter is about a lot other things and not just adding connections. You may be following thousands but may be followed only by a 100. But this should not be a reason for you to multiply your followers. Let them come naturally. Do not get frantic in adding followers.

2. Getting personal

While tweeting is the primary task at Twitter, getting personal about it is not what you should be doing. Getting personal is both unnecessary and dangerous on a public forum like Twitter. Tweet if you must, get informal, promote your business but people are not going to read what you ate or when you burped.

3. Scheduling tweets in advance

Doesn’t that sound ridiculous? If you do not want to or do not have the time to tweet, don’t tweet. What is the dire need to schedule your tweets in advance? This is very impersonal and feels like someone doing it for the sake of tweeting.

4. Using the auto follow feature

If you are looking at the mere number of connections and do not really bother about what kind of connections they are or whether they are interested in the first place to even glance at your tweet, you are heading in the wrong direction in the Twitter world. There is no rule that says that you got to follow everybody who follows you.

5. Getting verbose

The idea of a tweet is brevity. If you are in the mood for a lengthy read and write something long, you are going against the definition of a tweet. Your followers are not interested in seeing their timelines flooded with your lengthy conversation. Get short, crisp and interesting to send the message across.

6. Using auto DMs

Every auto DM thanks you for having followed. But getting to see numerous of those in a day is not particularly an appealing affair. So, if you have no idea on using an auto DM, it is better to refrain from it. Save yourself from the horrendous task of creating a nasty or boring DM. Some even commit the mistake of appending their website link or address to the services or products they deal in.

7. Failing to understand re-tweets

Tweeting is not the only task on Twitter. It is important to understand and utilize the power of a re-tweet. When you re-tweet to a tweet, there are two advantages you get. One is that your followers become aware that you are seeking quality links and second, the one to whom you have re-tweeted feels that their messages are being read and that they are considered important.

8. Linking to Facebook

Informative tweets being linked on Facebook can make sense but not all of your tweets. Go to your settings, click profile and disconnect from Facebook. One, you are flooding friends’ timeline and two, you are revealing more than you need to on this social networking site.

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