Thursday 25 July 2013


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    Take care of your skin from the inside out. Be sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night, and to drink at least 5-8 glasses (or 1 and a half liters) of water. Both improves shadows and circles around eyes.
  • 2
    Wash your face twice daily. Skincare is a key factor in looking good without makeup. Spend what time and money you would spend applying and purchasing makeup on skincare. Develop a skin regimen for your face. Whatever regimen you choose, stick to it, and always follow through. Repeat the regimen in the morning and at night.
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    Pluck or wax your eyebrows. Keep them looking tidy. Having perfectly shaped brows can do wonders for your face by framing your eyes, therefore making them the center of attention.
  • 4
    Shampoo your hair every other day. If your hair gets greasy really easily – you can ignore this. Otherwise, your hair doesn’t need to be shampooed daily. Keep your hair nicely conditioned, using a grape-sized dollop of conditioner applied to your roots and pony-tail area daily. For extra shine, smoothness, and softness, rinse with cool water.
  • 5
    Pick a hairstyle that works for you. A trendy hairstyle that works on some might not work on you have it down. Learn your face shape, and find a hairstyle that looks great on it.
  • 6
    Wear moisturizer daily. Pick a quality one with SPF in it, and wear it every day – even if it’s cloudy or snowy, as UVA/UVB rays can still get you.
  • 7
    Smile, and be confident to let your inner beauty shine through.

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