Friday 26 July 2013

4 things that will kill her sȩ̂x drive!!!!

Things are not going on so well with her when it comes to bedroom issues. You have to desist from these four things if you want to really own the magic stick.
Sȩ̂x! Is not a one sided thing. It is a mutual agreement between two people so both parties have to benefit at the end of the blissful exercise. So you have been giving it to her for years now and its beginning to look like she's losing interest and faking certain emotions( you know what I mean, *wink*).
The most important thing is to communicate with her but if you can't or she can't explain why, then you better desist from these four things if you are doing them in the bedroom
1.Ignoring her appearance
A woman's appearance is tied to her self- esteem. Why do you think they spend so muchmoney and so much time on their looks? When the last time you told her she was is beautiful or lovely. Have commented on her latest hairstyle? Exactly, boost her self -esteem. Make her feel sȩ̂xy!
2.Putting her under pressure
That is constantly asking if she's there yet (orgasm). If she gets there, she'll let you know. Just relax and be focused. Make the whole act a bit playful. Some experts even say relaxation is good for erection.
3.Using Porn as a benchmark
Please and please again, what you see on your porn videos is not always what she wants. Honestly! She's more precious than a porn star, we talking respect here man. Its good to make things hot once in a while but not every new move you see is satisfying or safe.
4.Don't leave her lips hanging
Guess we all know what this means. Kiss her, small acts of intimacy puts her in the mood. A woman's emotions are not like a switch.

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