Friday 12 July 2013

15 Ways to Have a Happier and Healthier Weekend

happy couple
It’s Friday, which means that it’s already the weekend in your head, no matter what your boss says! According to a study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, workers reported better moods, greater vitality, and fewer aches and pains from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Known as “the weekend effect”, this feeling of wellbeing was reported across all incomes, status levels, and ages. As it turnes out, everyone feels better on the weekends!
According to the study, the weekend effect was a result of the autonomy that the weekends bring to our lives. On the weekends, no one controls what we do, and we in turn feel happier. So, if we are already so happy on the weekends, why do we need tips to have an even happier weekend? One word: technology.
Our smartphones, iPads, and laptops cause us to be constantly one push notification away from work at all hours. According to new research by the University of Toronto, up to 50 percent of people bring their work home with them.
Want to get that weekend effect that everyone else seems to be loving? Here’s how.
  1. Unplug for 24 hours
  2. No facebook, no email, no youtube period. Just try it. Although it may cause extreme anxiety, according to a new study. The internet is an addiction, people, put down the iPad and talk to a human face to face for once!
  3. Make a big (and healthy) brunch
  4. Make a giant spread of eggs, coffee, fruit, protein pancakes, and bacon. Gather around your family and friends and think warm cuddly thoughts.
  5. Sleep in
  6. Sleep prevents weight gain over time. If you can’t get it on the weekdays, be sure to get it on the weekends.
  7. Watch a comedy
  8. Stop thinking about work
  9. No really stop it!
  10. Go to the farmers market
  11. August is the best month at the market! Grab some tomatoes, peaches, peppers, and sweet corn!
  12. Experiment with a new recipe
  13. The weekend is the perfect time to roll up your sleeves and try out a new recipe. Take your farmers market finds and whip up something delish. You’ve got all the time in the world, so don’t worry about learning a new technique or making a big mess.
  14. Stop thinking about work
  15. We caught you. Stop it!
  16. Go for a bike ride
  17. If you don’t have a bike, rent one! Riding a bike can make you feel like a kid again.
  18. Take a nap
  19. So you slept in, but you still probably need more sleep. Take a nap, preferably after your bike ride.
  20. Go to the park
  21. Take advantage of your city parks before the fall comes. Pack a picnic, a frisbee, and just go chill in the grass while you can.
  22. Call your Mom and Dad (or your grown-up kids if you are a Mom or Dad)
  23. The weekends are a great time to strengthen your relationships, especially if your weeknights are typically busy. So what if you posted on their facebook wall last week. Pick up the phone and actually call.
  24. Act like a tourist
  25. Every city or town has unique tourist spots that we become desensitized to because we live there. Go to the town historical society, pick up a guidebook, and go check out the top historical spots in your town. You never know how it can change your view of the place that you call home.
  26. Take 20 min to prepare for Monday
  27. On Sunday night, take a few minutes to prepare healthy lunches, build a calendar, and do some laundry to prepare for the week ahead. The more organized you are, the more you can enjoy your weekend rather than spending it doing errands.
  28. Stop thinking about work
  29. You are doing it again! STOP! Go to bed without taking tabs on what you need to do on Monday morning. If you fully utilize your 20 minute prep time, you won’t have to let Monday dread spill over to bedtime. You’ll sleep better and feel more refreshed on Monday.

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